Glory Of Christ Jesus,Non Believers For people who do not know Jesus

For people who do not know Jesus

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There are many individuals who are unfamiliar with Jesus and have no inclination to become Christians or learn about Him. They perceive Christianity merely as a religion and desire no involvement with matters of faith. When questioned about their morality, they assert that they are good people who deserve to enter heaven.

Although your friends and parents may regard you as a good person, it is essential to reflect upon your own actions. Have you ever told a lie, stolen something, or entertained impure thoughts? You might believe that these are minor transgressions and that God understands, but the reality is that everyone, despite thinking they are good, is inherently flawed and sinful. Contemplating this truth is crucial.

We must bear in mind that God is holy, perfect, and righteous, and He does not tolerate any form of sin in His presence. The sins we commit come with consequences, and when we pass away, we will be subject to judgment. The wages of sin are death, but through God’s grace, we have the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. Jesus loves us and sacrificed Himself for our sins, subsequently rising from the dead. By placing our faith in Him as our Lord and Savior, we can attain eternal life.

You might believe that you can embrace Jesus at a later time, but the future is uncertain. Today could potentially be your last day. It is evident in the news, with numerous individuals losing their lives due to car accidents, illnesses, and various other reasons. I do not intend to frighten you; rather, it is a sobering reality of life.

If you are ready to embrace Jesus, it implies acknowledging your sins and recognizing the immense love He holds for you. You can pray the following to Jesus, and by doing so, you will receive eternal life: “Dear Lord Jesus, I am aware of my sinful nature and seek Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn away from my transgressions and invite You to enter my heart and guide my life. I wholeheartedly want to trust in You and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen”

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