Glory Of Christ Growing in Christ,Jesus,New Believers How to grow your walk with God

How to grow your walk with God

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When you first become a Christian, your desire is to grow in your walk with God. So, how can you accomplish that? Here are some suggestions.

First and foremost, acquire a Bible. You can choose a regular Bible such as the NKJV or ESV. Begin by reading both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, start with the Book of Genesis, which recounts the beginning of God’s creation, the fall of mankind, the flood, and other significant events. Additionally, read the New Testament book of Matthew, which portrays the life of Jesus. You may opt to read three chapters from the Old Testament and one chapter from the New Testament in each session.

While reading the Bible, express your love and gratitude to the Lord for saving you from your sins. Praise Him for being the Almighty God capable of achieving anything. Believe in His love for you as His child. Request that He reveals Himself to you through His Word. As you immerse yourself in the Bible, you will discover who God is. It is beneficial to jot down your thoughts in a journal or any other suitable medium.

Another vital aspect is to find fellow Christians with whom you can share your journey with the Lord. This may be challenging as there are relatively few Christians truly committed to their walk with God. However, pray and trust in God’s providence. He will guide you to the right individuals for fellowship at the appropriate time.

Lastly, throughout the day, meditate on the works of God. Select one or two verses and contemplate their meaning, placing your trust in His promises. For instance, you can reflect on Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Ponder its significance and place your faith in His provision.

I hope these suggestions will enhance your walk with God. Always remember that Jesus loves you. He sacrificed Himself for your sins, rose from the dead, and will return to redeem us and judge the world.

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